Download Images Library Photos and Pictures. The largest "dish" antenna in the world, the radio telescope at Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, 1000 feet (305 meters) in diameter. It has a gain of about 10 million, or 70 dBi, at 2.38 GHz.[11] The dish is constructed into a valley in the landscape, so it is not steerable. To steer the antenna to point to different regions in the sky, the feed antenna suspended by cables over the dish is moved. The dish actually has a spherical rather than a parabolic shape. New Technology Pipes Daylight into Windowless Rooms Innovative technology from Sunportal, a recent South Korean and British joint venture, promises to deliver natural daylight to windowless spaces through a series of high-tech pipes, without heat gain or loss. A mirror tracks the sun throughout the day, reflecting its rays onto a parabolic dish, which then focuses the reflected daylight into a small 'light pipe' aperture. Sterling Radio Dish Antennae Earrings ...